Where to buy Medical Vibroacoustic Devices VITAFON in Europe, USA & Canada ?

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"Vitafon"___________ "Vitafon-T"_________ "Vitafon 2"

Russian Medical Vibroacoustic Device VITAFON 1 Russian Medical Vibroacoustic Device VITAFON T Russian Medical Vibroacoustic Device VITAFON 2

What is VITAFON ?

VITAFON is intended for prophylactics and treatment of diseases associated with disorders in the capillary blood flow and lymph flow. The device creates a micro vibration with constantly changing sonic frequency with the aid of interchangeable vibro acoustic transformers: vibraphones multiple increase in the micro capillary blood flow and lymph flow within the area of action, which enables a therapeutic effect to be attained in the treatment of inflammatory and traumatic diseases.

is intended for use in therapeutic-prophylactic institutions and sanatoriums as well as in domestic conditions as recommended, under the supervision of a physician-specialist of this type. The "Vitafon", "Vitafon-T", "Vitafon 2" devices consists of the control block and attached interchangeable vibraphones. The main control switches are situated on the faceplate of the control block.

The therapeutic effect is based on the mutual enhancement of the combined effect of microvibration and pulsed infrared radiation. The microvibration frequency constantly change according to a certain repeating program (the cyclogram). Within the vibraphone zone of action under the effect of the microvibration, a drop in the hydrodynamic vascular resistance occurs. Due to this, an intensification of the fluid osmotic movement occurs which leads to a local increase in the capillary blood flow and lymph flow. For each vessel diameter an optimal frequency of effect exists corresponding to the least hydrodynamic resistance against blood movement. Therefore, for therapeutic purpose a wide range of constantly changing microvibration frequencies are used. On this account even at a small microvibration amplitude (less than 20 mcm) an increase in the number of functioning capillaries can be attained as well as a significant decrease in their hydrodynamic resistance. The microvibration action upon the veins increases the effect of the venous hydrodynamic pump. Together these two effects provide a local increase in the blood and lymph flow. The therapeutic effect occurs within a 7-cm radius from the vibraphone centre, and via large vessels it spreads for 5-7 cm further.


This device is effective for treatment of the following diseases:

1. Osteochondrosis, radiculitis 2. Prostatitis 3. Impotence 4. Adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia) 5. Cystitis 6. Serous mastitis, lactostasis 7. Trophic ulcers 8. Fractures 9. Spinal traumas 10. Haematoma, oedema, bruises 11. Furunculosis, carbunculosis, acne 12. Wounds and sutures 13. Dislocations and strains 14. Maxillary sinusitis 15. Rhinitis (running nose) 16. Tonsillitis (sore throat) 17. Bronchitis 18. Insomnia 19. Essential hypertension 20. Sensorineural hearing disorders, Inflammation of middle ear (otitis) 21. Burns 22. Frostbites, supercooling 23. Corns, calluses 24. Constipation 25. Hemorrhoid 26. Enuresis (urine incontinence) 27. Encopresis (faeces incontinence) 28. Periodontitis, stomatitis, parodontitis 29. Pyelonephritis 30. Joint diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatic polyarthritis 31. Complications of scoliosis 32. Chronic gastroduodenitis (gastritis)33. Glaucoma 34. Chronic impaired cardial function 35. Complications of infantile cerebral paralysis, Flaccid paralysis 36. Cosmetic purposes 37. Restoration and development of voice 38. Alleviating fatigue. 39. Prevention of colds and raise of tonus.

Treatment, medical effects and contraindications

For the treatment of any disease, the minimum demands are a good blood supply, good quality of the blood, and good control of the organism's functions.Moreover, sometimes these three components are insufficient for a complete recovery whereas absence of just one of them makes the treatment either too long or completely impossible.

Vibroacoustic therapy enables one to affect all three factors:

We all know that the circulatory system is made up from veins and venules, arteries and arterioles and capillary.

Considering that the sum length of venules is much greater than that of veins, the microvibration of the vessels' muscular fibres is of great importance as well as the microtrembling of surrounding muscular tissue.

The arteroles' pushing ability cannot be excluded because they act like intestine peristalsis on account of the successive contraction of muscular fibres. Therefore, microvibration is a physical factor used by the organism for reducing the peripheral resistance of the capillary net and for increasing the venous outflow.

The vibroacoustic effect enhances the intensity of the process performed by the organism in this area. This enables it to act upon the feedback mechanisms and shift the balance in one or another direction. For example, treating the renal area will improve the kidneys' function and, consequently, the blood quality.

In practically all the cases it is recommended to administer the microvibration upon the renal area from the back. Some dose of the effect, at that, will spread over to the liver and adrenal glands which results in a considerable acceleration of cleansing of the blood and, consequently, in acceleration of the regenerative process. This phenomenon explains why ignoring the renal area in treatment of joints' arthrosis, particularly in elderly people, yields an insufficient therapeutic effect. For the same reason it would hardly be effective if one treats large areas of burns or other lesions without adequate improvement of the renal functions.

There is also another opinion explaining these effects: the vibroacoustic effect increases adrenal gland functions and thus production of the respective hormones. Naturally, it is possible in spite of strict control over the adrenal activity exerted by the hypothalamus in the case of adrenal glands dysfunction. It has been corroborated, however, that the vibroacoustic effect exerts a considerable positive influence on the renal area and the site of the adrenal glands in most diseases when vibroacoustic therapy is applied.

Each such transport organ has its own oscillation frequency and its own specific movements. On account of the vessels' and capillaries' microvibration, smooth flow of the blood and lymph is maintained; due to specific movements of the gall ducts and ureters there is passage of gall and urine. Ejaculation, urine excretion, movements of the ovules, inflow of a secretion from different glands, also occur through these channels which perform complicated kinematic movements.

Disorders in the blood supply or nervous control weaken the dynamic movements of the ducts. This results in stagnation, pressure grows within the duct which, however, cannot compensate for the insufficiency of the movements. If this persists long enough, it results in constipation, cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, and other diseases depending on which exact duct lost its ability to move.

By means of the vibroacoustic effect it is possible to increase the local blood flow and create one of the conditions for normal functioning of the duct. The second condition for normal functioning of the duct involves the presence of controlling pulses from the nervous system.

Considering that in the protein reaction of the "key-lock" type a certain role belongs to the coincidence of protein molecules orientation, the microvibration energy increases the probability - meaning the velocity, too - of these reactions. This effect in a way depends on the constantly changing amplitude of the microvibration - which is exactly what "Vitafon" does.

Before using the Vitafon device, it's recommended to do a medical examination in order to confirm the diagnosis and reveal the indications and contraindications.

The device should not be applied in the following cases:

It is forbidden to apply vibrophones right at the heart area for no treatment schemes exists by now.

If particular body areas having stones (gall and urinary bladder etc.) become part of treatment zone, the therapy should be performed only after medical expert's permission and under doctor's supervision.

The procedures should usually be carried out in the evening, before going to bed if possible. But if you can and it is your wish to attain the maximal therapeutic effect, follow the rules as follows:

In combination with drug therapy, the "phoning" should be carried out at the moment of maximal concentration of the drug in the blood:

After application of an alcohol solution of iodine, the phoning should be immediately carried out. During the next 16 hours this area should be left unwashed.

The "Vitafon" effect is preserved for 4-6 hours. The maximal number of procedures per 24 hours is three. If the goals is to maintain the blood supply to neural fibres innervating the organ subject to treatment, then the optimal time of the procedure should be 40-60 minutes prior to the maximum of the 24-hour activity of this particular organ. Sometimes constant maintenance of the neural fibres blood supply is needed. In these cases, 2 or 3 procedures a day should be carried out.

All people have different sensitivities to microvibration, and therefore duration of the first procedures should be brief. Later it may be gradually increased. It is not recommended to violate this principle, and otherwise the treatment will not be accelerated. Even a few minutes of the phoning provides an improvement in the blood flow. A few brief procedures a day are more effective than one long procedure. The procedures may be omitted sometimes, as this will prolong the term of the treatment only a little. Restoration of damages is a stress for the organism. To avoid an overload, the time of a single procedure should not exceed 50 minutes, and the total time of action per 24 hours - not over 2 hours.

How soon may one expect a recovery? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Everything depends on the number and character of accumulated changes. A 1-2 grad burn, a beginning head cold, a fresh injury: if one undertakes treatment of these damages immediately it is possible to totally prevent all morbid manifestations. At the same time, a simple fracture, even with the "Vitafon" application, will not consolidate faster than in two weeks. The more damages there are, the longer the treatment will last.

A patient walking on crutches because of arthrosis will not recover immediately either after a procedure or black or white magic session. He can be made to forget pain with hypnosis and for a couple of hours he or she will walk without crutches but the consequences of such a trick would be deplorable, because pain limits the number of possible damages in walking. Having forgotten pain, one may harm the joint in such a way that even in a day and even on crutches the patient will not be able to walk at all. There are no miracles.

The velocity of regeneration is limited in the organism. With ageing and in some diseases it drops even lower. "Vitafon" restores the conductivity of neural fibres during 1 or 2 procedures and that doesn't yet mean a full recovery. The recovery only begins with the restoration of an organ's function control. Restoration of innervations is a mandatory condition for a successful treatment. The longer the innervation was disordered the more defects accumulated in the organism, and the longer the treatment will be.

Sometime, following an accomplished course of the "Vitafon" therapy, the patient feels no improvement whatsoever. It usually occurs in those cases when the primary cause of the disease has been established wrongly or not all the conditions were revealed, or the time of the treatment proved to be not long enough. The point is, the velocity of restorative processes in the organism is limited, and sometimes the patient needs a few courses of the treatment before he/she feels an improvement.

It is very difficult to make a precise diagnosis of spine disorders but often it is in this location where the cause of the disease is hidden. Therefore, if after an accomplished session of "Vitafon" therapy you observe no changes, it is recommended to double-check the diagnosis, to check how precisely the method of the treatment were followed, and to perform a prophylactic course of treatment of the respective portion of the spine.

An exemplified course of treatment lasts two weeks. Usually in multi-year chronic diseases a considerable improvement may be attained in three-four months. The practice of "Vitafon" application shows that in a periodic application mode the improvements last for about two years.

Usually in medical tests they expect to obtain an effect within one or two weeks. But for chronic diseases this is too short period, and therefore the comments in medical reports, even though positive, look rather modest as compared with the results we learn of from previous Vitafon users.


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